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by VoiceofReason
Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:03 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Our welfare system recipients.
Replies: 179
Views: 24550

Re: Our welfare system recipients.

So most people have no problem with the government giving billions of our tax dollars to other countries but are against assistance for people in this country?

I don’t know what to say. :headscratch
by VoiceofReason
Sat Jul 06, 2013 2:33 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Our welfare system recipients.
Replies: 179
Views: 24550

Re: Our welfare system recipients.

I put up the post that said: “Complaining is easy. Tell me what you (meaning everyone) would do with the truly disabled and unemployable”. Actually not expecting any replies. I was surprised that not only were there replies but there were a few good ones. There were a couple I disagreed with and there was one that honestly scared me.

I think it only fair that I try to offer some suggestions to answer my question.

I also find it sickening to see people living on “assistance” that just don’t want to work. I am not prepared however to see children starving in this country for any reason. As a matter of fact, in a country that put men on the moon, children shouldn’t even go hungry.

Be careful with arrogant criticism of people because it could happen to you. Denying the fact it could happen to you might make you feel a little better and more secure, but it will not change the fact you could have a stroke, auto accident or any number of other misfortunes that prevent you from working and left you paying huge medical bills out of your pocket. Even some very rich people were suddenly poor with the last depression. There is more truth in “There but for the grace of God go I” than people realize.

The one that scared me was: “In nature only the strong survive, in America the strong are forced to support the lazy.” It was a little too close to: “nor society could escape Nature's decree that the fittest alone survive” and: “the natural struggle for existence, that allows only the very strongest and healthiest to survive, is replaced by the natural urge to 'save' at any price also the weakest and even sickest”.

My opinion is that yes we need to weed out the people that don’t want to work from the assistance programs but we need to be careful not to hurt those that are not to blame and must depend on assistance to survive.

It’s interesting that this whole discussion was about those on welfare etc. and nothing at all has been said about foreign aid and our tax money that is being given to other countries.
by VoiceofReason
Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:56 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Our welfare system recipients.
Replies: 179
Views: 24550

Re: Our welfare system recipients.

Complaining is easy. Tell me what you (meaning everyone) would do with the truly disabled and unemployable.
by VoiceofReason
Thu Jul 04, 2013 12:22 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Our welfare system recipients.
Replies: 179
Views: 24550

Re: Our welfare system recipients.

Just a couple of things to consider.

Take a look at how much this country gives away in foreign aid and to what countries.

I have known a few people that have applied for SS disability and it is not quite as easy as some claim. Some I know with legitimate claims have been turned down, have had to get a lawyer, then are granted a disability, and have to pay the lawyer.

One woman I know can hardly walk. She walks bent way over and must use a cane. She did not finish high school, worked most of her life in service work and has been told by SS she can find a job. Who would hire her.

Get injured on the job, file for workman’s comp, get fired and you will play H finding another job. Even if it was a legitimate claim. Your insurance will not pay if they find out it was an on the job injury, so some people have to file for Workmans Comp to pay the hospital and medical bills.

Over 45 and lose your job? Good luck finding another. Of course it would be against the law to discriminate because of age so you will be turned down for any number of other reasons.

Take a look at how much this country gives away in foreign aid and to what countries. Tell me what we should do with the truly disabled and unemployable.

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