Jimsuthdj wrote:I hope mine says no before I start it, I already turned in the topic.jimlongley wrote:There are no "fors" either, and it can be shown that it doesn't work, but most of the sites that you will find that do anything more than present raw data for your interpretation, are going to be biased in their own interpretation, so tread carefully.
Also, make sure in advance, that your subject will be accepted. A whole bunch of years ago I turned in a term paper on the history of firearms. The assignment was to present a research based paper, and to show all of the research that took place as an addendum to the paper. Complete bibliography, etc. The "professor" took an entire letter grade off for "inappropriate subject matter."
I believe I would have been in the offices of the Dean, Vice President, and President that day especially if the "professor" did not provide a list of "appropriate and inappropriate subject matter" when he made the assignment.
Even then if guns was listed as “inappropriate subject matter" I would raise cain.
Too many "professors" and other school officials have developed a “God complex” since they have some power over young inexperienced students.
A college was jerking my son around until my attorney wrote them a letter letting them know what was “looming on the horizon” as he put it. It was amazing how much of an “attitude transformation” it made.