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by sjfcontrol
Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:53 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Warrant
Replies: 16
Views: 4048

Re: Warrant

The Annoyed Man wrote: No argument out of me. I'm just thinking of the practicality of the matter. You're right, proving innocence is not only nearly impossible, it isn't the constitutional standard. But when faced with the possibility of paying a fine for a ticket on the one hand, and putting my CHL at risk on the other hand, I'll just pay the fine. Besides, it is probably true that 99% of people who are ticketed for speeding were actually speeding.

And even if I somehow think that I'm innocent, I would still rather pay a fine that I think is unjust than to go through life with a Class C misdemeanor conviction on my record that I will undoubtedly wind up having to explain to somebody down the road. But that's just me.
How does fighting a Class-C Misd. put your CHL at risk?

And, it only DOESN'T go on your record if you fight it and win. If you just pay the fine, you avoid the courts, but you're admitting guilt and it goes on your record.

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