terryg wrote:Oooorrrr, TAM, you could simply stop bucking the system and start learning to shoot right handed ... the way God and JMB intended the human race to shoot. You lefties always demanding special rights, special desks in classrooms, special guns, special scissors, special coffee cups. Wouldn't it just be easier on all of us if you would simply conform????The Annoyed Man wrote:Saturday a little over a week ago, I picked up another burn on the back of my right elbow from a piece of hot 5.56 brass. It occurs to me that it might well be worth the cost of someday investing in a left-handed upper for my AR, because that's really the problem. Being left handed, my offside arm is on the same side as the ejection port and—concentrating on my sight picture—I'm not particularly aware of hot brass landing on the bench before I set my arm down on top of it. The burn I got the other day actually made a sizzling sound for a fraction of a second before I yanked my arm back.
Not to mention special places at the dinner table!