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by RPB
Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:06 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Pending Texas Firearms Legislation vs the "Safeway Shooting"
Replies: 48
Views: 9439

Re: Pending Texas Firearms Legislation vs the "Safeway Shoot

mctowalot wrote:I don't want my wife's ability to defend herself and our children to be restricted because of this maniac's actions.

They should just ban maniacs.
Laws putting anti-maniacal drugs in the water supply, in case one is overlooked? .... but will the fish still bite?
Maybe if they just mix it into the Kool-Aid they all seem to be drinking.

To the OP ... I think it was :
Obama's Rahm Emanuel, said: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste"
Mar 7, 2009 BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told an audience Friday "never waste a good crisis" ..

"Westboro church" that follows the same tactless philosophy; they get criticized. (And rightly so IMHO)

Westboro Baptist Church Picketing Arizona Funerals ... 4978900662" onclick=";return false;

Brady Campaign
Carolyn McCarthy
by RPB
Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:12 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Pending Texas Firearms Legislation vs the "Safeway Shooting"
Replies: 48
Views: 9439

Re: Pending Texas Firearms Legislation vs the "Safeway Shoot

True, it does vary some with geography (social-political views etc) but that "type" of person exists everywhere ... in some places more than others though. Overall ... that "type" of person .. is a rare minority. viewtopic.php?f=90&t=39864&p=493753#p493753" onclick=";return false;
by RPB
Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:47 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Pending Texas Firearms Legislation vs the "Safeway Shooting"
Replies: 48
Views: 9439

Re: Pending Texas Firearms Legislation vs the "Safeway Shoot

I was in error in that he didn't "secure the gun" as some reports had said, but I still admire him much more for
rising to the occasion rather than laying down, like those who play/played possum while shooters reload.
by RPB
Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:22 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Pending Texas Firearms Legislation vs the "Safeway Shooting"
Replies: 48
Views: 9439

Re: Pending Texas Firearms Legislation vs the "Safeway Shoot

Joe Zamudio is 24 years old, I entered Community College at the age of 26 ...

He ran towards the scene from a store around the corner and chose to get involved, the others merely reacted in self defense and were already there.

The woman, apparently an employee of Giffords, who had to be there, had been shot and was fighting back in SELF DEFENSE(reacting), said she tried. but Joe was the hero who heard gunshots while buying something at Walgreens, ran around the corner to the Safeway store TOWARDS the danger choosing to risk his life to help others instead of going home with his cigarettes from Walgreens, and for securing the gun, when he didn't need to get involved in the first place..

Out of the 4 heroes, which is a responsible mature "college aged" one who CHOSE to be there and secured the gun when others failed, at the risk of his own life?

Also, yes, he was armed, and showed good judgment in not drawing and causing confusion, as most antis claim would occur ... pretty smart .... for an immature college aged kid.
by RPB
Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:10 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Pending Texas Firearms Legislation vs the "Safeway Shooting"
Replies: 48
Views: 9439

Re: Pending Texas Firearms Legislation vs the "Safeway Shoot

Douva wrote:
Waco Kid wrote:I thought that one of the people who stopped the attack was a concealed license holder - but that he did not fire.

I could only imagine what would have happened if someone started firing back at the shooter... in a crowd. I think that would have been even worse. I'm almost *glad* nobody shot back at him - minimized collateral damage. I do wish it would have been stopped earlier though.
See the last argument on page 3 (the linked page) of this document: ... pdf#page=3" onclick=";return false;
Joe Zamudio held down the shooter. search his name in this forum :tiphat:
by RPB
Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:45 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Pending Texas Firearms Legislation vs the "Safeway Shooting"
Replies: 48
Views: 9439

Re: Pending Texas Firearms Legislation vs the "Safeway Shoot

That shooting affecting legislation:

This is just "barely" on that topic, but ...

One of the first "statements" of concern for her and her family's welfare was from the Brady Campaign ... it was "nice" but I suspicion Mrs. Brady is "recruiting" (to influence future legislation, and potentially the victim and her family) made me a bit put off by the statement.

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