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by RPB
Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:49 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Truck/Car gun thoughts
Replies: 45
Views: 6872

Re: Truck/Car gun thoughts

cbr600 wrote:
RPB wrote:I just have my Glock 26 with 20 rounds +1
What's the advantage of that setup over a Glock with a longer sight radius, such as a 17? I find a longer slide and barrel doesn't make much of a difference IWB, but an extended magazine makes a noticeable difference in ease of concealment. The big mags make sense for reloads, but carrying a subcompact with a longer mag in place seems to give the disadvantages of a fullsize, without the corresponding advantages.
I SOOOO understand that question , asked myself that before many times over more than 30 years of Glocking, TESTED a LOT, SPENT a LOT... and so lemme explain.

I carry at 3:00, my body type makes the 19 barrel end of a FAT slide go clunk on a wooden church pew.
At 3:00 I can use an almost extreme cant on the holster, and carry 20 round mags more closer to vertically, and that tips the slide angle where barrel points towards my rear. The 26 is easier for me to conceal than a 19, with shorter grip, and longer slide poking out my back pocket area. Now I do use an extended barrel, the length of a Glock 19's, but the shorter fat slide of the 26, and a Glock 17 +3 magazine with a spacer. The extended barrel I use pokes out maybe a tiny spot "sometimes" but not as noticeably as a fat slide. (It's also more comfortable)
The 26 with the shorter slide (which is fat, but shorter) is easier to conceal and more comfortable to carry concealed, (I rise and sit a lot)

Sight radius

I've been shooting and carrying all the Glocks since the 1980s, my Glock 19 was made in 1989, My OLDEST 1st Gen 17s (I got some of the very first batch imported) I sold last year and the 26 is what I shoot best/most accurately. I suspect it may be 1) my presbyopia or 2) my myopia or 3) my astigmatism or 4) it's 3 a.m., I forget the 4the eye issue I have

I've owned almost every model Glock made, including two Glock 17Ls, bought because of their longer sight radius. (one ported, one not ported)

I bought two 17L pistols, first one in the 1980s, second one in the 1990s, because after getting the first, I noticed I was less accurate with the 17L than with my 17s, and then I experimented with thousands of rounds, I'm less accurate with my 17 (I've owned 4) than my 19s (I've owned 4) ...So, I bought a second 17L for another $999.00 because I thought the first was just a bad/inaccurate 17L, because everyone SHOULD be more accurate with a longer sight radius oddly, I'm more accurate with shorter sight radius.
(I've also owned all the early models of the Glock 10mm, .45 and .40)

I had Advantage Tactical sights installed, and an internal laser, extended barrel, got everything sighted in, and am much much more accurate in any light with the 26 I had customized than any other longer sight radius.

I know it defies logic, but I can't argue with myself and win after testing various ones over 30 years. well, if I do argue with myself, I always lose anyway, so I just carry what I shoot best most accurately that's the most concealable and most comfortable. ... I"d hate to ever HAVE to use it and have it be taken away as evidence after spending almost $1,000 on it, but I'd hate to carry something I'm less accurate with that's less comfortable and more trouble to conceal too.

I've owned 1 10mm, and 9 .40s and a .45 by Glock too, I only have 1 hand, it's arthritic, more with weather changes or cold, recoil sensitive now... It's just what works best for me. That may not be true for a majority, and may defy logic, but that's me. I carried the 19, until the 26 arrived, repeated the tests about sight radius ....after many many thousands of rounds, and I'm just better with short, I gave up asking myself why, maybe it's my wrist and Glock's grip angles?...instead of my eye issues, but above is all I just accepted it.

I'm not hickok45, but these short sight radius guns are accurate and I'm not shooting 230 yards like he does, but at 25 yards and less, I'm just better with a 26 than a 17L

Oddly, with Taurus' grip angles, and all 1911s, I'm equally accurate with any of their site radiuses, radii ... whatever plural of radius is and the most accurate with longer barrels, hence, the extended barrel on the 26 :lol:

I still don't know why, eyes issues, hand/wrist-grip angles, I gave up asking.
That's what works for me after many many thousands of dollars testing to see what worked for me.
Your mileage may vary.
by RPB
Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:04 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Truck/Car gun thoughts
Replies: 45
Views: 6872

Re: Truck/Car gun thoughts

C-dub wrote:
RPB wrote:I just have my Glock 26 with 20 rounds +1, a spare 20 round mag on my belt...and twin 33 round mags under the car seat
DUDE! :shock:
Well, never know what might occur during a 36 hour hurricane evacuation away from home or if the disaster actually hits while your in a line of cars and someone, or a group of someones wants your gas/food/life.

It took 36 hours to drive from Houston to Austin during Rita, and gas and water were scarce in spots, and that wasn't a "bad" situation at all, but some people got a bit stressed/road-ragey ... so I can imagine a real disaster like Katrina prior to or during aftermath, trying to get home/evacuate and someone wants your car/life.

107 rounds, may not be enough to get home ... never know ...

(actually just 100... 7 are reserved for snakes in the floodwaters, and maybe critters if I get hungry n see peter cottontail needs roasting... I'll pass out servings to restless natives so they'll be less edgy...and hungry children if I see any so their parents can relax more)
by RPB
Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:48 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Truck/Car gun thoughts
Replies: 45
Views: 6872

Re: Truck/Car gun thoughts

gigag04 wrote:I always purge my truck of weapons at night. I've taken way too many burglary of a vehicle reports to be comfortable otherwise.

I used to carry my 18" barrel shotgun, with shortened STOCK but legal sized, and brought it in when I came in.

I no longer have a "car gun" I just have my Glock 26 with 20 rounds +1, a spare 20 round mag on my belt...and twin 33 round mags under the car seat in a plastic grocery bag which stay there in case the well runs dry after a hurricane or other natural or unnatural disaster and I need them to get home, and to eat any wild critter like a snake or wild hog wanting to damage me.. unless those get banned, in which case I dreamed it.

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