I second the comments on the Lee equipment. I have tested ammo loaded on my Lee press vs ammo loaded on my old (1974 vintage) RCBS press and find no difference. I was curious about their dies as well so I bought some Hornady dies for 45 acp (had 45 cap Lee dies already). Loaded up a big batch of ammo with each die set (using the same brand of brass, powder, primers and bullets) and tested them. Could find no difference in accuracy. Both shot very small groups off of a rest.
I got a set of the neck sizing dies for my 6.5 creedmoor last year. I have been able to load ammo that will shoot groups as small as 1/8 inch at 100 yards on a calm day. Can't ask for anything better than that.
Lee equipment may not look as pretty but it works very well. And, their support is excellent when needed (and you will need it for all of the manufacturers). The 6.5 Creedmoor dies were custom as they had never made any before. They turned them around fairly quickly after placing the order.
Re the factory crimp die, I use is on all of my pistol ammo and have had no issues. The only leading issue I have ever had was from shooting commercially cast bullets that were made from an alloy that was to hard. I changed suppliers to someone that is local (Friendswood bullets) that uses the correct hardness for the application and the leading disappeared. The die has salvaged more than a little ammo for me. I loaded a big batch of 45 acp ammo using PMC brass that I picked up at the club. I used my Hornady dies (with a taper crimp die instead of the factory crimp die) for that instead of my Lee dies (have one set adjusted for 200 gr swc, the other for 230 rn). When I finished, I tried to check them with a gauge and none of the cartidges would go in the gauge. I ran them through the Lee Factory Crimp die and they went all went in with no issues. After doing a lot of troubleshooting, I found that the case wall thickness on the PMC brass that I had was not uniform (varied by 0.002 around the diameter) and that was causing the bullet to cock over when seated. I first found this by forcing a round into the gauge, then extracted it and looked to see where it was rubbing. There was a rub at the mouth on one side and a rub 180 degrees opposite that at the location of the bottom of the bullet. I then started measuring cases. I have also used the factory crimp die to salvage other ammo that I loaded on my old RCBS gear that had some issues (operator induced).
I have their class turrent and their large single stage press with the bushings. Changing dies is a piece of cake. Once the dies are set, there is no more adjusting. I have loaded more than 25,000 rounds on the turrent and it is still going strong. Some day, when I have more space, I my get a progressive but for now this works well for me and is my "therapy" when I need a break from things.
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- by LTUME1978
- Sun Dec 30, 2012 7:30 am
- Forum: Reloading Forum
- Topic: Reloading shopping list
- Replies: 19
- Views: 5039
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