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by esxmarkc
Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:33 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: close call
Replies: 21
Views: 5408

Re: close call

From this airmchair position I would say that this was a perfect outcome to what could have escalated into a very ugly situation.

If the guy indeed blocked you in and then jumped out of the car with a weapon in this hand (and make no mistake about it - I can assure you that there individuals who have been sent to the hereafter or permanently injured by just a flashlight) then his intentions justified your actions.

I think the fact that he didn't contact 911 is a pretty good clue that he got caught red-handed as a thug.

Now I'm sure that this is fuel for another thread but this is another +1 for a laser sight. For several reasons:

1. Had you been focusing down the sight picture at your oncoming assailant at night with the gun up in your face you may have not seen and identified the flashlight. Lasers are excellent in that they get the gun out of your face and sight picture and allow you to completely focus on the target.

2. The red laser on his chest was certainly a mind altering deterrent. I'm not saying that you can count on this response by any means but it certainly saved his life in this case.

Chalk this up to rule number 1045.7:
Never bring a flashlight to a laser sighted gunfight.

ETA: Did you get a nice chrome flashlight out of the deal?

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