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by GOP
Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:29 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Disarmed
Replies: 53
Views: 7437

Re: Disarmed

MojoTexas wrote:
GOP wrote:Also, I learned that small town cops make a pittance, 16k a year.
That right there is the reason (in my opinion) for the "Barney Fife" stereotype about the police in smaller towns. In every stereotype there is typically a small grain of truth.

In no way am I maligning police officers in general, but if you're a good enough LEO you're going to work for the departments that pay better. The smaller towns paying smaller salaries are going to tend to attract the rookies and guys that can't get hired at the better departments. This isn't 100% true in all cases, but I have known more than one particular small-town cop since grade school, and they were goobers back then and are goobers now...the only difference is now they have a badge and a gun.

I think that's why I always try to give the police the benefit of the doubt (even the goobers). Along with public school teachers, they have my respect for doing a very important and unappreciated job for very little money.

MojoTexas :txflag:
Yeah, I see your point. They cop was about 60 years old, had worked for several departments, and was trying to "slow down" a bit at a smaller town. I liked the guy, but he was all that you'd think of a small town cop. I couldn't help but think if something bad went down he wouldn't be prepared.
by GOP
Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:02 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Disarmed
Replies: 53
Views: 7437

Re: Disarmed

I did a ride along for a college Government class as a project. We had a choice between that or sit in on a court case. I thought the ride along would be more interesting. I did it in Yoakum, which has a population of about 5k. I met the cop at 7pm at the station and rode with him till 3am. He gave one speeding ticket and harassed a few skate boarders for being in the street. Other than that we spent our time driving around drinking free coffee and eating free donuts. Yep, pretty much a stereotype in action. Also, I learned that small town cops make a pittance, 16k a year.
by GOP
Thu Apr 08, 2010 9:49 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Disarmed
Replies: 53
Views: 7437

Re: Disarmed

Semantics, semantics...

The cop has a right to disarm, simply being a jerk about seems to be the norm for most cops in my experience. Arguing that he has to have a reason is ridiculous, as any cop can claim they disarmed for safety reasons.

File a complaint for them being rude? Wasted effort, in my opinion.

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