Police officers who used single-action pistols or Glocks with light trigger pulls were sometimes sued successfully because the pistol was "dangerous" (as if there were a safe pistol other than a water pistol). This was especially the case with custom modifications. These incidents gave rise to the phrase "New York trigger" for a heavy trigger pull.
http://www.barrypopik.com/index.php/new ... k_trigger/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
In my opinion, and I repeat that this is strictly my personal opinion as someone who is not a legal or firearms expert, trigger pull would not be an issue for a non-LEO in Texas.
You were either justified in using deadly force or not. If you were justified, you could use anything from a stock handgun to a grenade launcher (assuming you had the paperwork for it).
Light triggers do make it easier to shoot more accurately, and I think this is a strong argument in their favor.
You just need to develop muscle memory to keep your booger hook out of the trigger guard until the times come for a justified action.
As usual, IANAL, etc.
- Jim