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by seamusTX
Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:44 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: question for TX instructors?
Replies: 11
Views: 1969

Re: question for TX instructors?

sf1058 wrote:If a Texas resident obtains a non resident CHL from another state and is not eligible for a Texas CHL due to a disqualification, would they still still be entitled to carry in Texas on their non-resident license?
That's a gray area. I don't know of it ever being tested.

It would be very much up to the police officer or his supervisor whether or not to arrest, and the district attorney's office whether or not to prosecute for UCW or another charge.

If you are caught with a concealed handgun, the question of what you were doing that led to the search is relevant.

- Jim

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