I believe exactly this. Unconstitutional actions taken by the executive and legislative branches, and supported or ignored by the judicial branch are many and obvious. While the 2nd amendment is the one we focus on here, is not the only one being trampled.ScottDLS wrote:The Left will chip away, bit by bit as they have for over 100 years at all of our freedoms, mainly through the central government. The centralization of power in DC to a technocratic elite will be the undoing of our Federal republic.
My message to the leadership of the republican party is this; if Senator Cornyn will not support my constitutional rights, and you will not provide a candidate who will support my constitutional rights, then is my best option to vote straight democrat so that the violent overthrow of the federal government happens sooner rather than later? Do I consider it, "Tamiflu for the Republic"?
I'm drafting my letter to them, and I'm not sure if I want to state my feelings this directly or not.