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by JKTex
Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:27 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Sign at entrance to property (not door)
Replies: 88
Views: 17339

Re: Sign at entrance to property (not door)

Deltaboy wrote:
poppo wrote:In regards to the intent and the size of the letters, I too believe it MUST comply with the law. The requirement states:
ii) appears in contrasting colors with block letters at least one inch in height;
IMO the "at least" is the magic phrase that does not allow for "close enough". If it said "about one inch" then that would be different.

The Scott and White sign, Doesn't have contrasting colors and it's print is not 1 inch tall so in my book it is null and void.
Regardless, what several aren't getting is that 30.06 only pertains to CHL's. If you're not carrying under the authority of a CHL, it's moot. :txflag: A lot of people have worked really hard on Texas CHL laws over the last 2.5 decades to have some of the best in the country.

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