I hated put it on my s197---- but it beats the hassle..bronco78 wrote:If "HE" can’t see it from where he is in front, then your likely to get the ticket your asking for. If it's attached to the windshield as I have seen at times then it is impeding your view and again can get you a ticket.. if it is flat on the dash, then it likely cannot be seen from many positions in front of the vehicle as a front bumper mounted plate would be. That’s what the LEO is likely to tell the judge, who is like to agree as he, probably has a plat attached to front FRONT of his vehicle.Keith B wrote:Texas Transportation Code § 502.404 only states displayed at the 'front and rear'. Nothing is stated about front-most point. So the officer was interpreting this himself. Now, if he wants, he can write you a ticket, you can go fight it, potentially win on a technicality, but now you have wasted a lot of time and potential expense.
Then there is the whole definition of the word FRONT
: the forward part or surface
: position ahead of a person or of the foremost part of a thing
Couple the common usage and definition of the word front with an officer standing in court saying from the front he could clearly see the bumper and the manufactures designed location for the plate, but could not read the plate as it rested on the dash.. and we can guess what the judge will decide.
Right wrong or whatever… it is what it is. I don’t like the plate on the front of my S197, but it’s required. I don’t like the idea of LEO places his hands on me or my lawfully carried weapon, but it’s the law, so I’ll deal with it if I ever have to.
BTW, neither close friends (Husband and wife LEO’s in two different departments) said it was taught in training to disarm as a rule, just that they can. And it was not taught that if you decided to, reaching in and doing it your self was the “right” way. Both also said, they nor their fellow officers have an issue with CCW, and would not disarm as a rule or policy on that issue alone.
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- Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:31 am
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: Similar to the DPS officer running the Serial thread, but...
- Replies: 40
- Views: 7511