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by G26ster
Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:04 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Charlotte police kill unarmed man who may have needed help
Replies: 35
Views: 7831

Re: Charlotte police kill unarmed man who may have needed he

srothstein wrote:I have been trying to read up on this and not finding enough to make my decision. I was shocked when the police charged the officer this quickly, and that indicated to me that something in the news reports is not right or complete.

Consider a slightly different point of view since the police knew nothing about an accident or injuries:

Police get call for burglary in progress from panicked female resident. Arrive on the scene and find a male suspect banging on the door. He charges at them and one uses a Taser to try to stop him. Taser does not work and he is still charging at an officer who pulls a gun and shoots him.

Now, from the accident victim's point of view:

He loses control of the car and hits a tree. Hurting, he crawls out of the car to try to get help. He goes to the nearest help and bangs on the door but gets no response. The police pull up and he thinks they are there to help him so he starts to run to them. One of them pulls a taser and tries to shoot him with it but misses. He is trying to yell for help but is not making much sense. He keeps heading towards the cops and one pulls his gun and shoots him. Chief decides to charge the officer for manslaughter.

Yep, we definitely do not have enough information on this one to make any kind of rational decision.
The AP reported today:

"An unarmed man seeking help after a car crash over the weekend was shot 10 times by the Charlotte police officer who's now charged in his death, investigators said Monday." Perhaps the 10 times has something to do with it.

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