Salty1 wrote:"When I asked the management if they would be changing the employee hand-book where it states no firearms allowed in personal vehicles, the official answer was no."
I have a hard time understanding why somebody would ask that question to management in the first place, I am from the old school where I would never ask a question that I would not want to hear the answer. Why tip my hand when it can never have a positive impact on my position within the company. What somebody does not know cannot hurt me, what they do know very well could have a negative impact. They will now always assume that you have a firearm in your car and management does talk between themselves. Personally I prefer that my name stays out of such conversations.
In hind-sight maybe asking my employer if they're going to recognize my constitutional right is a mistake. I don't feel it was though. They may be suspicious of me possessing a firearm, but they know I'm aware of my rights, they know I stand my ground and they know I won't trust em in this matter.