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by E.Marquez
Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:13 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: So, you remember that vid of a DEA agent that shot himself?
Replies: 45
Views: 7406

Re: So, you remember that vid of a DEA agent that shot himse

Libertas wrote:
C-dub wrote:
SIGnificant wrote:That's the first time I've seen that video and all I can say is :eek6 :eek6 :eek6 :eek6

Was he trying to release the slide when it fired?
I think he was trying to re-holster. I also thought that I had heard he was originally suing over the release of the video because it made him look stupid and because of the exposure, he could no longer work undercover.

No more undercover work? He may have a case, the limp would be a dead give away.

The first time I saw this I couldnt' help but think why would he not use a completely different weapon other than his service pistol? Wouldn't it be much wiser and safer to bring one (unloaded, and checked, then checked again, and again) just for demonstration purposes?
When I've done or coordinated weapons Demos off the range (school, mall or other public area) We remove the firing pin from each demo weapon... twofold reason...One there can be no ND and second, we are not allowed in some case to have live weapons with us...... and I'd prefer not to "give" a select fire weapon to an un vetted person when my only response to an attempted theft or use of that weapon is, unarmed.
by E.Marquez
Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:06 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: So, you remember that vid of a DEA agent that shot himself?
Replies: 45
Views: 7406

Re: So, you remember that vid of a DEA agent that shot himse

LongHairedRedneck wrote:"I'm the only one in this room qualified to carry this weapon.....BANG..."

This video just re-enforces the need to remember basic firearm safety.
This.. right there is why I giggle every time I read
Amateurs skip safety-checks - pros don't.
25 plus years of being in the profession of arms.(not just Military, DEA, FBI, Local LEO, SS)....and i've seen way to many "pro's" that not only skip safety checks, many of them can not spell safety.

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