Thanks, like another user met here,that served,, I believe what ya have to say, just different then what I lucked into.Texas Dan Mosby wrote:Via P.M...What units did you serve in, what years, what locations to come to your conclusions?

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Thanks, like another user met here,that served,, I believe what ya have to say, just different then what I lucked into.Texas Dan Mosby wrote:Via P.M...What units did you serve in, what years, what locations to come to your conclusions?
What units did you serve in, what years, what locations to come to your conclusions?Texas Dan Mosby wrote:...and STAY in the Armed Forces despite failing to meet or abide by standards.I understand completely why the Brass restrict firearms for Active Duty personnel on Military Bases. It is simply a result of the quality of people that the same brass allow to enter the Armed Forces...
Sadly, our armed forces are filled with "commanders" at the higher levels, but very few LEADERS. LEADERS are undesirable in our military because they don't "toe the line" in support of poor policy or decisions, unlike "commanders" who would seemingly sell out their soul to advance their "career". ANY idiot can be designated as a "commander", and they often are, (look at our current POTUS as an example), but it takes something else to be a LEADER.
An individual intent on unlawfully using a firearm for violence is not impacted by laws, regardless of whether the individual is in the military or not. The same "blood in the streets" excuse used by some citizens is used to justify military commanders' ridiculous anti-firearm policies.
It won't change.