In 1988 or 89 While I was stationed in Monerey CA, my wife to be and I were having brunch at a small bistro.. in full view of the Marriott hotel front doors.. We notice 5 or so police cars in full lights show up, and cart off one guy in cuffs. After brunch we walked down the street to the hotel to see what we can see... as we walk up to the doors there is a sign just in sited. "Welcome Law enforcement Officers Local ### Annual convention, Please sign in at the desk"......
>.. Ask the desk clerk what happened..... Genius robber, walked PAST the sing described above, past the several officers in plain clothes checking in, to the bar, and robbed it...or tried.... seeing as it was filled with LEO's enjoying an afternoon drink before the start of the convention that night,, and the foyer was also full of LEO's , Said robber was "quickly" subdued,,