I got off my lazy behindSoccerdad1995 wrote:That is a good question. If I had to guess I would say it's a firearm that is capable of accepting a large capacity magazine. That of course would make a Glock 26 illegal since you can put a 33 round mag in it if you want.E.Marquez wrote:The ones in the tan holder look to be 40mm rounds of unknown type.mojo84 wrote:What are the grenade looking things near the bottom of the picture? I suspect they are smoke or eye irritant type of devices but not sure.
The two silver canister with orange "shells " also appear to be 40mm rounds and might be a irritant delivery shell , though it appears they are longer than any Ive seen or used.
another side not "arrested for eight counts of possession of a large capacity firearm"
What is a large capacity firearm? the nonsense large capacity mag law I understand (not agree with but I know what they mean)
But "large capacity firearm" fixed magazine weapon that holds more rounds than local law allows I guess? So say my Shotgun that holds more then 5 rounds???
Massachusetts Gun Crimes Laws define a "Large Capacity Weapon" is any firearm, rifle, or shotgun that:
is a semi-automatic with a fixed large capacity feeding device;
is a semi-automatic and capable of accepting, or readily modifiable to accept, any detachable large capacity feeding device;
employs a rotating cylinder capable of accepting more than 10 rounds of ammunition in a rifle or firearm, and more than 5 shotgun shells in the case of a shotgun or firearm; or
is an assault weapon.
A "Large Capacity Feeding Device" is defined under Massaschusetts Law as:
a fixed or detachable magazine, drum, feed strip or similar device capable of accepting more than 10 rounds of ammunition or more than 5 shotgun shells; or
a large capacity ammunition feeding device as defined in the Federal Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protections Act.