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by muleman
Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:49 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Backup Pistol for Hog Hunting
Replies: 42
Views: 14059

Re: Backup Pistol for Hog Hunting

I would bet if you are charged by a big hog, you wont get a shot off any way so it doesnt matter what you carry. "rlol" I hunt hogs 3x a week with dogs and a knife, i been charged more times than i care to think about. I usually have a 22 mag single action pistol when we go but not for charging hogs. only used it once when the dogs bayed in a log jam and it was too dangerous for the catch dogs to go in. it drops em like a hammer. I would say use what you have, my every day carry is a glock 23 and I have dispatched hundreds of hogs in traps with it.



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