This morning I held one at Pasadena gun showThe outstanding aspect of the 380EZ for people with weak, injured or aging hands is the ease with which the slide can be racked. Do you think the 9mm EZ will be a good fit for those folks?
Obviously I couldn’t fire it
But I did rack the slide a few times and did so next to a 380EZ and Shield 9
Of course the 380EZ is the easiest
The 9MM EZ was certainly better than the Shield 9, but honestly, not significantly.
It’s hard to put a scale on it, but to give some rational to how I would rate it
if a 380EZ is the benchmark, call it a 10 (10=best for ease of racking)
Then I would rate the Shield 9 at a 5-6
And the 9MM EZ at a 7, maybe 7.5
I think it certainly would help those, somewhat, who need the assist
However I would suggest to anyone arthritic or other, to get the 380EZ
Being I couldn’t shoot the 9MM EZ, I can’t say 100%, but I do own the 380EZ as well and have shot it several times and have a good feel for the racking and loading vs several other hand guns - and the 380EZ is hard to beat, if you need the help