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by 2barearms
Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:25 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: DPS trooper running serial numbers?
Replies: 84
Views: 15768

Re: DPS trooper running serial numbers?

After many phone calls, I finally spoke to a Lt at the Division Level here and he said he
would be working to change the practice of disarming CHL's during rountine traffic stops.
There has already been one AD as a result of an Officer unloading a CHL's weapon.
So maybe all my effort has been has been worth it, we''ll wait and see.
by 2barearms
Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:45 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: DPS trooper running serial numbers?
Replies: 84
Views: 15768

Re: DPS trooper running serial numbers?

srothstein wrote:
2barearms wrote: Well, you better go have a talk with the DPS then, that's exactly what I was told this morning and if you'd like his rank, name and telephone number
and the Trooper who pulled me over and disarmed me and ran the SN's of my pistols, I'll gladly let you tell him how he should do it. I don't think they
care to be honest. I plan on talking to his Captain tomorrow, this crap takes a lot time out my very busy day. I'm a Life Member of TSRA, Houston Gun
Collectors and Gun Owners of America and I've been in contact with TSRA about this and the suggestion was to try to work it out first. If this doesn't
get resolved to my satisfaction this week I'll take the podium in front of a hundreds of Members at the Houston Gun Collectors Association meeting
next month and let them all know what going on. Also know I have many close friends in LE in 3 jurisdictions, they'd be the first to tell you I'm the guy
you want driving by when some bad guy has you down.

PM me and I'll send you the info maybe they'll listen to another cop.
If I thought it would do any good, I would call the trooper for you and tell him exactly where he went wrong. But I have beat my head against that wall too many times. There are lots of good troopers out there that will listen, and some that support CHL, but they are not as common as I would like. I hope that you can get a better result by seeing his supervisors (I normally suggest starting at the sergeant and then working the way up the chain to the Colonel if necessary). The current Colonel is much more concerned about their relationship with citizens though, so you might have some good luck.

Don't get me wrong, I'm going out of my way being courteous and helpful along the way. I took the morning off(I run a successful metal fab business during the day)
and went to see his Sergeant in person first (he wasn't in) I originally requested to review the tape with him and I just got the impression it wouldn't change his mind. He did admit that the Trooper had misstated DPS policy on mandatory SN checks of CHL weapons, so I assumed he reviewed the tape and audio prior to calling me later in the
morning. He said this issue would be addressed and stated that they CAN run them vs MUST run them, but I, like you still believe that LE is prohibited by state law from
disarming us without a reason. He argued many points and I ended up agreeing to disagree, so on to Plan D. I will probably officially request the tape be preserved and
made available for reviewing tomorrow.
by 2barearms
Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:58 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: DPS trooper running serial numbers?
Replies: 84
Views: 15768

Re: DPS trooper running serial numbers?

srothstein wrote:
2barearms wrote:
chabouk wrote:
CompVest wrote:4t5, I don't know if you have your CHL or not but either way perhaps you should read Texas Government Code 411.207(a). It is a law whether you agree with it or not that LEOs can disarm you.
Sec. 411.207. AUTHORITY OF PEACE OFFICER TO DISARM. (a) A peace officer who is acting in the lawful discharge of the officer's official duties may disarm a license holder at any time the officer reasonably believes it is necessary for the protection of the license holder, officer, or another individual.

Nothing in there about running serial numbers, nor about SOP, nor about departmental policy.
Contrary to what you believe a Commisioned Officer can disarm anyone including other LEO during a
traffic stop and run the serial number of your weapon against the NCIC Stolen Gun Database. Welcome
to the NWO. If you refuse he probably will arrest you. I got pulled over Saturday and the Officer took
both pistols and ran the SN's, while I complained about it of course.

Man what's up with 4t5 guy?

Contrary to what you believe, an officer cannot legally disarm anyone as a matter of course. Given some articulable reason to believe it is for safety, he can disarm a CHL. Given some more reason to be suspicious, he may disarm almost anyone. But he better be making an arrest or have some excellent reason to try to disarm another peace officer. Other than arrests (or supervisors taking a weapon during a suspension), I have never seen this done in my career. I certainly would never have disarmed another peace officer unless I was arresting him. Of course, to be fair, i have never disarmed a CHL either.

Well, you better go have a talk with the DPS then, that's exactly what I was told this morning and if you'd like his rank, name and telephone number
and the Trooper who pulled me over and disarmed me and ran the SN's of my pistols, I'll gladly let you tell him how he should do it. I don't think they
care to be honest. I plan on talking to his Captain tomorrow, this crap takes a lot time out my very busy day. I'm a Life Member of TSRA, Houston Gun
Collectors and Gun Owners of America and I've been in contact with TSRA about this and the suggestion was to try to work it out first. If this doesn't
get resolved to my satisfaction this week I'll take the podium in front of a hundreds of Members at the Houston Gun Collectors Association meeting
next month and let them all know what going on. Also know I have many close friends in LE in 3 jurisdictions, they'd be the first to tell you I'm the guy
you want driving by when some bad guy has you down.

PM me and I'll send you the info maybe they'll listen to another cop.
by 2barearms
Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:03 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: DPS trooper running serial numbers?
Replies: 84
Views: 15768

Re: DPS trooper running serial numbers?

chabouk wrote:
CompVest wrote:4t5, I don't know if you have your CHL or not but either way perhaps you should read Texas Government Code 411.207(a). It is a law whether you agree with it or not that LEOs can disarm you.
Sec. 411.207. AUTHORITY OF PEACE OFFICER TO DISARM. (a) A peace officer who is acting in the lawful discharge of the officer's official duties may disarm a license holder at any time the officer reasonably believes it is necessary for the protection of the license holder, officer, or another individual.

Nothing in there about running serial numbers, nor about SOP, nor about departmental policy.
Contrary to what you believe a Commisioned Officer can disarm anyone including other LEO during a
traffic stop and run the serial number of your weapon against the NCIC Stolen Gun Database. Welcome
to the NWO. If you refuse he probably will arrest you. I got pulled over Saturday and the Officer took
both pistols and ran the SN's, while I complained about it of course.

Man what's up with 4t5 guy?

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