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by chasfm11
Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:43 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013
Replies: 73
Views: 13286

Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013

VMI77 wrote: I'm not saying the situation isn't going to return to normal, maybe it will; but I'm not sure it will this time. We don't have enough information yet to understand what's happening. For instance, I don't remember 22 LR being almost completely unavailable last time around. People have speculated various reasons for it, but I've seen no evidence to substantiate any of the speculation. Also, it appears the left is deliberately attempting to further inflame gun owners rather than give us any reason to calm down. The attack on gun owners has been unrelenting since Sandy Hook and completely without balance in the MSM. It sure looks like the left is going for broke, and while they may ultimately fail, it may take quite awhile to return to any kind of acceptable status quo --and even then we all know the attack will begin again at the very next opportunity. We could easily be looking at four years of shortages this time.
I think that we'll know the cause shortly, within the next three months. I don't mean to seem callous but the public attention span is pretty short so if it is just panic buying by those not really "into" guns, it will be over or will slow down significantly. Assuming the supply chain is working as before, some equilibrium should be reached.

I haven't understood the sporadic shortages in some calibers for the past three years and, fearing the worst, assumed the government was somehow tinkering behind the scenes. At one point, I heard that the Feds were not allowing military brass to be recycled, drying up materials. I would have hoped that one of the ammo makers would have figured some way to disclose that information if it was true. At any rate, if the store shelves are still empty by April, there is no doubt in my mind that the Regime has implemented gun control via ammo control.
by chasfm11
Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:45 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013
Replies: 73
Views: 13286

Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013

geekwagun wrote:Let's not forget about the very large ammunition orders the DHS and other federal agencies have placed over the past year. Those contracts are going to be multi-year delivery deals. More here

Homeland Security hoarding ammo,depriving police Cops scramble for bullets while DHS stockpiles 1.2 billion rounds
Published: 8 hours ago
by Aaron Klein ... pEDylTA.99
Will the U.S. soon face a critical situation in which the federal government– primarily the Department of Homeland Security – possesses an ammunition surplus while local and state authorities face ammunition shortages and backlogs in purchasing more rounds?

Current trends could find the federal government with a strong ammunition advantage over local police and sheriff departments.

Earlier this week, a Georgia TV station reported that police officers training at the Chatham County Sheriff’s Office Gun Range were holding back on some live-range ammunition training due to shortage concerns.
More at link
I understand that there are issues on which hearings need to be held like Bengazi. But I really believe that the House needs to open hearings on DHS because of these ammo purchases. First, how did the department get big enough to require that much ammo and against whom would it be used? Yes, those of us here probably have an answer but that question needs to be asked in a formal Congressional forum.
by chasfm11
Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:16 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013
Replies: 73
Views: 13286

Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013

K.Mooneyham wrote:
chasfm11 wrote:I'm pretty frustrated by the lack of .22ammo, too. I figured that the larger calibers might go and have the stock that I want. But .22? Please!

I've got arrangements with two different Wal-Marts to find out what they are getting each day. Their corp. office is not allowing the stores to order any ammo so they get whatever is on the truck

I don't know if you can believe that but the Wal-Mart employees claim that they will not be getting .223 again. The is a government "hold" on the sale of all of that. If true, it is exactly what I expected. They cannot ban and confiscate so they will just dry up the ammo. :banghead:
Can you expand what you meant by that? Do you mean the government has ordered Wal-mart to not order .223 or ordered the ammo manufacturers to not ship to Wal-mart? I'm pretty curious...

They weren't that clear. I understood them to say that some governmental group was preventing sales from suppliers to Wal-Mart. But the people that I was talking to were from a store and are pretty far down the food chain. Maybe it is a buyer for Wal-Mart or a Wal-Mart lawyer that is signaling that there will be no more .223 ammo and maybe that was a temporary thing while everyone was waiting for POTUS to have his news conference. Like I said, I don't put a lot of stock in that part but they seemed pretty up to speed on the overall ammo environment at Wal-Mart.

BTW, I don't have a dog in the .223 fight.
by chasfm11
Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:21 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013
Replies: 73
Views: 13286

Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013

I'm pretty frustrated by the lack of .22ammo, too. I figured that the larger calibers might go and have the stock that I want. But .22? Please!

I've got arrangements with two different Wal-Marts to find out what they are getting each day. Their corp. office is not allowing the stores to order any ammo so they get whatever is on the truck

I don't know if you can believe that but the Wal-Mart employees claim that they will not be getting .223 again. The is a government "hold" on the sale of all of that. If true, it is exactly what I expected. They cannot ban and confiscate so they will just dry up the ammo. :banghead:

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