As a parent, I can tell you some crazy stories about what some school administrators do to the children under their care that can lead some parents to the edge of civility. I won't post one specific personal story on this public forum but I'd be happy to share it with you. I assure you that you, too, would have been pushed to the edge of civility. It was literally a life and death situation. It would have been tragic as a singular event but it was actually a pattern of behavior by several teachers and administrators over time. How I managed not to be arrested during that time still puzzles me. I was on the edge of civility every day. I personally know of at least 4 other parents who went through similar situations with the same school.jmra wrote: Nice first post. As an educator I can tell you some crazy stories about parent behavior. When parents believe they are "defending" their children, at times civility and common sense imitate Elvis and leave the building.
The reason that the OP story resonates with me is that it has several of qualities of other stories that I personally know about. As a former teacher myself, I am well aware that parents can behave in a bizarre manner. I've had to deal with a few of those. I'm also aware that parent volunteers in schools can way overstep their bounds and need to be managed or even dismissed. There could be many underlying issues about the OP that none of us know about. As I said in a previous post, I will never support intimidation or threats directed at schools or school personnel. I also have no time for administrators who abuse their power. Those abuses are very often unchallenged and without consequences to those responsible.