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by DEB
Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:54 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Shot Fired
Replies: 82
Views: 11826

Re: Shot Fired

I again thank Gemini. I don't believe I would post my use of a firearm in any situation on this or any board, probably gets quite anger-some as others dissect it while sitting in their armchairs, myself included, so bravo. I also believe Gemini did what not only he, but also I, believed to be right and apparently L.E. did not have a problem with it as well, otherwise he would have been arrested and charged. Unlike some I don't believe the good ol' boy is really that prevalent, especially in large cities, unless you are somehow personally associated with L.E. especially the DA. Police officers usually don't have the time or inclination to put their jobs/freedom on the line now-a-days for strangers. I also applaud the courage of those who are willing to post their experiences as I have been able to receive free training by reading gemini's and other's posts about their experiences. Everyone is wired differently, I had a preacher friend of mine that ran after a purse snatcher at a viewing, without a firearm, just because he was offended that someone was willing to enter a Funeral home and steal from a widow. Would I have done the same? I don't know. I do know that if more people were like gemini or my preacher friend, lawlessness would probably go down. Unfortunately many become martyrs to the cause as they take a personal hand in taking on those who perp against them or others they believe to be in their care. But because of these real life experiences, laws have been changed, such as CCW in Texas and our Castle Law. I remember a time in Texas when gemini would have not only been charged but convicted, when a law abiding person could not carry a pistol no way no how, when you had to retreat when threatened, and etc. So thanks Gemini :patriot:
by DEB
Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:14 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Shot Fired
Replies: 82
Views: 11826

Re: Shot Fired

gemini wrote:Purplehood wrote:
[I have followed this thread with interest and thought about replying more than I have a number of times, but kept my mouth shut.

Yes, the law states that one can legally do what the OP states that he has done.

So I have pondered this entire incident over and over and still come to the same conclusion. The BG was stopped in the middle of a commission of a crime and ran. I simply don't understand the need to attempt to shoot him. In my mind there is no such thing as a warning-shot. If one shoots at somebody, you are shooting to kill them. So I am not sure what the OP's intent was when he fired.

If this guy was surprised, turned around and made any single gesture, furtive movement or had flinched, I would have shot. But as I read this the BG "partially turned towards me", and thats it, he ran.

/I had to get this one off of my chest.]

Complete sentence from original post:

"He partially turned toward me, he had something in his hands, when he turned I couldn't tell if it was a knife, screwdriver or what and I immediately pulled my gun up and fired, from about waist high."

I appreciate your opinions and personal decisions on when to/when not to shoot. However, I was there, you were not. If you face a similar
event in the future, I'm sure whatever action or inaction you take will be the right decision for you, at THAT fraction of a second in time.
In that split second you will decide possible threat or no threat. Had I felt there was a continuing threat, I would have taken the 2nd shot,
and this whole event would have had a different outcome entirely.
I simply posted a true, factual event and the eventual outcome. For me it's past history. I don't dwell on it.
Plus 1 to you Sir. You provided your actions for us to peruse and for that, I for one thank you. I believe that when I come home or if I go outside and see someone breaking into my vehicle or any of my other property, I would probably react. I go outside, armed always, often to protect my property from coyotes, possums and such. So depending on that thief's/soon to be thief's actions these will probably dictate my actions. But unlike some I like my property and don't intend to give it away to others and I do believe my property, that I have sweated for is worth double the life of a thief. I cannot abide a thief. Most if not all rapists/murderers start out by small robberies that quickly move to home break ins and then to rape/murder. I don't believe I would chase someone down the road, but that is just me and how I am wired or perhaps I am just older or lazier. So, I guess if someone is stealing from me, puts my property down and then runs away, this thing, whom I refuse to give humanity to, could probably get away with it.

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