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by DEB
Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:44 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Response From DPS Regarding Policies When Encountering CHLer
Replies: 171
Views: 30041

Re: Response From DPS Regarding Policies When Encountering C

E.Marquez wrote:
mikedude wrote:
nightmare wrote:I think disarming is left to the mood of the trooper but if they disarm you policy says they will run the serial number.
It is not the "mood", but whether they fear for their safety./quote]
And then in lays the discussion at hand..

The "Feeling" of some CHL's is that officers are not doing this out of safety or fear as you state,, but out of policy, personal or department.. Ie, because they can... not because of an articulable position that justifies seizure IAW the law as written.
:iagree: This. Also, if the officer is in fear of their safety, how do they effect the disarming of the person, while remaining totally in control of the situation? Does the officer point his/her weapon at you, put you on your knees, handcuff you and then disarm you? Only way I can see to keep the officer less fearful of the person and their possible future actions. But, I have never heard of that method being used in any discussion, as I have never been disarmed during a traffic stop. Officer is scared, but asks you for your weapon to be handed to him/her? Officer is scared, but reaches over you to remove the weapon from you? Seems kind of dangerous to me. How do these scared officers separate you from your weapon? I dunno...I was deployed on several occasions and when we conducted searches, it was always with someone who was pointing a weapon at the individual we were searching and I was still kinda fearful of their possible actions. Not even being sarcastic towards L.E. Officers, I know they have a difficult and very dangerous job. It just seems, at least to me, that it is either an agenda of dislike towards individuals who carry, by some officers or as been articulated by the good CSM, a Departmental policy.

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