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by DEB
Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:10 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Today is a sad day in American history
Replies: 133
Views: 24092

Re: Today is a sad day in American history

philip964 wrote:
Cedar Park Dad wrote:If your brother dies, you're supposed to marry his wife too.
That's what I remember.

We are starting down a slippery slope.

sarcasm on/ Why is the age of consent so high? Shouldn't "marriage" be allowed once puberty has been reached, isn't that what nature intended. sarcasm off/

This :iagree: I was not going to get involved with this conversation as I believe that this whole Homosexual activity is a farce and I will never agree to its becoming normalized. Throughout all of history, what Nation until 2005 allowed/authorized Homosexual marriage? It wasn't to very long ago that Homosexuality was considered a mental illness, now it is mainstream? And this comparing Homosexuals with skin color? They are a minority for a reason, they cannot reproduce. So what is next, Pedeophilia? Bestiality? Everyone scoffs, but I tell you again, it wasn't too long ago when people scoffed about Homosexuals getting married legally through the state. Were there always Homosexuals? Probably, but they have never been permitted to legally marry, even in those cultures that actively promoted the practice. I personally am beyond caring now-a-days, but this pushing of deviancy as a normal activity, I refuse to be totally silent. Folks can do what they wish, until it intrudes upon me as this is doing now. I find it strange, can't marry more than one woman, but two people of like sex can get married? Up is down and down is up. :banghead:

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