philip964 wrote:She made a point in one of her books that I had never heard before. Never heard by anyone anywhere.
She believes that Senator Joseph McCarthy(R Wisconsin) was an American hero.
My history classes in high school did not cover much beyond the Korean War with the exception of McCarthyism, Kennedy assassination, and NASA.
McCarthy was certainly portrayed as a bad guy in my history book in school and McCarthyism especially so. So I had always taken this as the gospel truth.
So it was quite a surprise when she came to his defense.
Seems there is always two sides to every story and when the liberals are in the press and writing the textbooks such things happen.
As time went on people would die, and turns out that guy was a communist sympathizer after all.
You just have to love the first amendment.
In addition, despite what she says, she has great legs and is totally hot.
Recent scholarship has exonerated McCarthy. Furthermore, McCarthy was only one player in that drama. He was singled out because of the
"have you no sense of decency, sir?" outburst during a Senate hearing and because he later became chairman of that committee. This is a good
brief summary of what took place back then. The tactics used to smear and defame McCarthy may seem very familiar to you. They are being used today to smear conservative leaders who threaten the status quo.