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by cheezit
Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:18 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: The problem isn't guns. It's immorality.
Replies: 18
Views: 2343

Re: The problem isn't guns. It's immorality.

baldeagle wrote:
packa45 wrote:What was this going on about? ... Every person makes choices in life... Those choices make up who we are...that will never change... Unless the person looks into who they really are and wants to change.
While all this is true, it still ignores the thrust of the argument. As TAM points out, when fathers are missing, society suffers. That's a fact. We can find thousands of anecdotes to "refute" that fact, but there are millions of lives being destroyed that prove it's true.

Fatherless homes are an invention of our liberal government policies. When you teach, verbally, by example and with laws, that the government will take care of you, some people will listen and believe it. And the lives they live will impact a greater circle than just their immediate family. When the government says to a pregnant woman, don't worry about the father, we'll take care of you, they are encouraging fatherless "homes". And those homes will destroy (and are destroying) the country more assuredly than any war. They have decimated the black family.

That's why welfare is wrong, why abortion is wrong, why sex education in schools is wrong, why affirmative action is wrong, why so many government programs are wrong. Not because they aren't well intentioned. They may be. But the outcomes of those programs destroy society. If anyone can look around them and not see that America is being destroyed from within, that person is either blind or willfully ignorant.
the problems were there prior to the things you blame for the cause. welfare started in the 30's under roosevelt, but the program we know today was started in the 60's. abortition 1/22/1973, affirmative action under jfk 6/19/1963.
jesse james of the "james gang" was 19 when he started, now that may be a bad example not really a gang in now moder times. the 40 theifs around 1820(ish). in1850 new york saw more then 200 gang fights most were by youth. then look at chicago in the 20's, from there just look at las vegas. the list goes on.
by cheezit
Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:03 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: The problem isn't guns. It's immorality.
Replies: 18
Views: 2343

Re: The problem isn't guns. It's immorality.

growing up and being in high school in los angles in the 90's. we had plenty of gangs, crips,bloods, hat street, hoover, 18th st, rolling 60's and Asian bad boys just to name a few. my experence with the gang culture was a little different. it was a mix of kids. some had nothing, some had to much and some had both parents at home. people from all walks of life get involved, most for a desire to belong to something, something that wold give them a name, something that would lead to easy money. my last year in high school there were 5 drive shooting on my high school campus.
the real question is were are their fathers now... they are in jail or dead in most case, yes some just left too. many of the the one still hanging around are busy on their Obama phone, collecting welfair while living in a bottle insted of getting a job, or just tring to find a new husttle
you dont here about the mexican's or the whites or the asians because they dont fit the agenda either.
plenty of people make it threw life with out major issues with one or no parent at all around, simply by making better life decisions.

and for the record i do feel bad about the killing of elephants
by cheezit
Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:17 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: The problem isn't guns. It's immorality.
Replies: 18
Views: 2343

Re: The problem isn't guns. It's immorality.

sorry if i missed something. when involved in gangs which are a well knowen part of the drug and major crime problems there and in most metro area's you get what you get. that life will lead to either a quick death or a life in jail. what bothers me is the spill over that takes the lifes of the good upstanding people in the comunities

bad choices are just that, some will live threw them some wont.
ill i see here is youth killing each other over stuipd stuff costing my more of my tax dollars.

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