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by Hoi Polloi
Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:49 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: I just don't understand
Replies: 30
Views: 3853

Re: I just don't understand

G.A. Heath wrote:
lws380 wrote:Could the OP ask the officer to leave his property or not come on his property? I'm not advocating that, but I am curious as to the answer.
Anyone can ask anything they want. Whether or not such a request has the force of law, or if it is wise would be a different matter.
Yes, you may kick LEOs off your property unless they have the force of law on their side (warrant, reason for search, I'm sure there are dozens of other justifiable reasons). I read an article the other day (here?) about an officer being kicked out of a Portland "inclusive and tolerant" coffee house because they didn't want his gun in there. I imagine he could then refuse to fill out the report saying he had no access to the vehicle or he could invite you to visit the station to fill out a report.

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