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by Lefty Writer
Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:00 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Haunted Places in Texas
Replies: 13
Views: 2777

Re: Haunted Places in Texas

Leroy wrote:Lots of rumored hauntings in galveston that go back to the 1900 storm. Also another VERY eerie haunting called "the face", which we have been going to look at since I was a teenager. There is a tour in galveston that takes people to the some of the hauntings. If you go you better make sure you are strapped.....I have heard some people never return from the tour. BWAAHHAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Ahhh, yes, "the face" on the wall of Ewing Hall on the UTMB Campus....." onclick=";return false;

I used to do a lot of stage managing at The Strand Theatre in Galveston, across the street from the Tremont House Hotel, and have experienced patches of FRIGID air that place, especially going up the stairs. Heavy doors have slammed closed by themselves when we've been there.

A bit off topic, my wife and I will be staying at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park soon. That's the hotel Stephen King and his wife stayed in, and inspired his book The Shining.


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