atxtj wrote:Well, last weekend whilst watering the front yard, my wife had an enlightening experience. Nothing really bad, but she has grasped the concept of situational awareness, and may have avoided a confrontation with some bad guys by getting back in the house before anything happened. Since then she has decided to carry around the property and keep a gun in her car, (Thank you Lord!) although she hasn't committed to getting her CHL. Baby steps. Anyway, her handgun of choice is an interarms Walther PPK/S, and while not a bad gun, I do not trust it with her life. It's not reliable enough for a sd gun, only feeds fmj ammo, and the slide is tough to rack for her.
I'd like to see what the ladies, or the gents wife's are happy carrying lately. My wife is on the small side, and upper body strength challenged, having a tough time racking slides and pulling heavy D/A revolver triggers. She claims to be recoil sensitive, but I have a hunch that is a mental block, as anyone who's shot a PPK knows they are not the most pleasant gun to shoot. My idea is a compact 9mm, striker fired with no external safeties to trip her up with, single stack, probably polymer framed. I'd like to see what everyone else is using, so I can take her to the gun shop and show her lots of stuff, including things I didn't think of, so she can make her own choice. Thoughts?
I have trouble getting my wife to shoot handguns too and she likes the Ruger LCP the best of the ones I have gotten her to shoot. However, I took a defensive handgun class that included a mother and daughter (petite and still in high school) and when the guns they brought were a problem for them in the class (one failed to operate properly) the instructors gave them 9mm Glocks. The mother was driving tacks with hers and the daughter was shooting almost as well. I have a PPK and find it to be one of my most unpleasant guns to shoot --worse than a .38 snubbie. I went and bought myself a Glock after the class (somehow years back I'd gotten the impression I didn't like them) and I love it. I think she might do well with a baby Glock.