K.Mooneyham wrote:I fully admit that Senator Cornyn is not the "go-getter" that Ted Cruz is (which is why I voted for Senator Cruz). However, the gist of what he "consulted" Holder on is contained in the following passage from the article:
So it would seem that some folks, despite their position as Federal officials, ARE indeed barred from being armed when on Federal property. And in light of what has occurred in Kaufman County, I believe that Senator Cornyn is at least attempting to try and sort things out for the safety of some of those folks involved in all this mess.“It has come to my attention that federal law…exempts law enforcement officers, agents, and federal officials (such as prosecutors) from prohibitions on carrying firearms in federal court facilities. Yet I am told that as a matter of policy, federal prosecutors are barred from carrying personal self-defense firearms to their offices (and parking facilities) even if they hold a state-issue concealed carry license,” Cornyn writes in the letter. “If this information is accurate and is a matter of federal court policy, then the safety and security of federal officials demands the policy’s immediate reconsideration,” Cornyn continued. “Prosecutor safety should start with enabling them to defend themselves from violent attack.”
And I've read that in some places, like NYC, prosecutors are prohibited from even owning a gun.