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by VMI77
Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:30 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Google and privacy
Replies: 9
Views: 2167

Re: Google and privacy

Whenever you use Google you're making a contribution, however small, to the DNC. Putting money into Google's pockets helped get Obama elected. ... democrats/
I’ve written previously about how embedded Google, Inc., is with the Democratic Party and the Obamasphere in particular.

I was told by many that it was the stuff of tin-foil hats to believe that Google was in the tank for Democrats. They’re just working with clients after all! Why, Romney and Republicans could’ve just as easily worked with them! This isn’t partisan!

Well, now, this is just in from Bloomberg/Businessweek: Google Chairman Eric Schmidt, one of Obama’s biggest boosters, is bankrolling a new for-profit endeavor being run by former Obama tech staffers that will be working exclusively for Democrats, as well as some corporate clients, in future.
Not that the Republican party on the national level isn't just as bad as the democrats. Or that Google won't also support Republicans as long as they're undermining the Constitutional Republic.....but they're the enemy of those few Republicans, Libertarians, and Independents who actually believe in the principles upon which the country was founded. Google is evil, and using Google in any way that improves their bottom line facilitates evil.

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