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by Liberty
Sun Aug 25, 2019 4:45 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Quarter Cock
Replies: 34
Views: 9672

Re: Quarter Cock

joe817 wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2019 2:51 pm Edit to add: With my SA semiautomatic pistols, I ALWAYS carry a round in the chamber, as most of you do, and when carrying my DA/SA always a round in the chamber in DA mode. Always. And I'm with Liberty. I prefer DA/SA to SAO. :cheers2:
While I like the SA/DA for personal carry, a 1911 is on my want list. It makes a fine range gun they are fun to shoot. As range gun the extra safety/hammer down stuff would be unnecessary.
by Liberty
Sun Aug 25, 2019 1:54 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Quarter Cock
Replies: 34
Views: 9672

Re: Quarter Cock

WTR wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2019 9:47 am My wife is opposed to carrying with a chambered round and the hammer back. I don’t like the idea ofhaving another mechanical system involved which may fail. I just practice the Israeli system with her.
I don't care for chambered down and Hammer cocked nor complex extra systems either. The Israeli method doesn't seem so great either. My choice is DA/SA. Diffferent strokes for different folks.

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