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by Liberty
Wed May 20, 2009 7:41 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Need advice and/or "Best Practice" for selling a handgun
Replies: 27
Views: 2919

Re: Need advice and/or "Best Practice" for selling a handgun

austinrealtor wrote:
Rex B wrote: But legally, something like this is good enough. "Oh, I swapped that thing off not long after I bought it. No, don't recall much about the guy".
IANAL, but I'd be careful about the above heavily emphasized phrase what with BATF apparently on the prowl for "straw purchases" these days. I'd say something more like "I bought it, shot it, didn't like it, so sold it to some other guy" ... or "I bought it, took it home, wife threatened to divorce me over it, so I sold it to some other guy" :grumble
Remember Martha Stuart and Scooter Libby. Lying to the feds can get you in more trouble than any actual wrongdoing. My suggestion is to never ever to the Feds. Let a lawyer do the talking for you. Even an unintentional misspeak can be dangerous.

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