We all get to choose our battles, and decide war to spend our energy. Personally I will spend my efforts on other things that are important to me and the ones I love. I also believe people should have the right to run around naked. The fact is I don't want to see people running around with their guns or whatever exposed even if they do have the right. I think I'll save my energys for more important things like preserving the oyster beds, and give my mony to NORMAL where it will do more good, Maybe send a letter to my congressman about truly doing something to protect our children and allowing carry into our schools.juggernaut wrote:Same as Rosa Parks.Liberty wrote:Open carry is about principle,
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- Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:49 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: Getting Open Carry legislation introduced ??
- Replies: 38
- Views: 6248
Re: Getting Open Carry legislation introduced ??
- Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:47 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: Getting Open Carry legislation introduced ??
- Replies: 38
- Views: 6248
Re: Getting Open Carry legislation introduced ??
Open carry is about principle, Campus carry is about saving lives.74novaman wrote:I'd be much more supportive of campus carry, which could save lives, over open carry, which most people here have seemed to indicate they support intellectually but won't actually do.C-dub wrote:I probably won't step foot on another college campus until the time comes for my nephews, nieces, friends kids, and daughter graduates high school. Most of these are all held on college campuses. It stinks that I must disarm before going in.
Just my .02 cents. I want both passed, but strongly feel campus carry is FAR more important.
I'm all for principle, but sometimes practical results are more important. The problem we have getting CHL through is that the CHLers aren't real supportive. They don't really understand the true meaning of bear in the phrase "right to bear arms" , but even the NRA and TSRA don't always seem to get the "infringed" part.
- Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:37 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: Getting Open Carry legislation introduced ??
- Replies: 38
- Views: 6248
Re: Getting Open Carry legislation introduced ??
Most states that are open carry aren't particularly gun friendly. Massachussetts, Virginia, Pennselvania Mininisota and Wisconson have reputations for being particularly tough gun laws. Texas has self defence and carry laws that are among the best out of the 50. Its hard to measure, but some states have better carry laws, they might not be so supportive when it comes to exersising the right to defend your life limb or property. 2 Huge rights that we have recently gained is the Motorrist Protection Act and the Castle Doctrine.Bart wrote:Like other people said in previous discussions, open carry works in pro-gun places but Texas isn't ready.