I appreciate all you do for the Vets, and I have visited a couple of VFWs since, and there are some great people there. These days though I just mostly want stand back and let those who are more deserving and more in need than I am. The Army treated me well for the short time I was there, but it was a short although important period in my life. I am a big benefactor of the training, discipline, exposures and experiences they gave me.
God bless you for the good things you are doing.
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- Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:12 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Military Discount
- Replies: 30
- Views: 5549
- Sat Oct 01, 2016 11:19 am
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Military Discount
- Replies: 30
- Views: 5549
Re: Military Discount
I am a little embarrassed because, I wasn't required to fight, I wasn't disabled in any way and it was only 3 years of service, and it was more than 40 years ago. Veterans of my time period were stereotyped as having mental issues, and not able to get a job so they all needed help.
Even the VFW didn't like us, they didn't want to have anything to do with us even those who were required to fight.
Even the VFW didn't like us, they didn't want to have anything to do with us even those who were required to fight.
- Fri Sep 30, 2016 5:20 am
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Military Discount
- Replies: 30
- Views: 5549
Re: Military Discount
I'm not one of the special groups, like the retired, disabled, or war veteran. Just a simple vet who proudly served his three years cause it was my duty. It's pretty nice to get a small benefit and acknowledgement for doing the right thing. I remember the days when they shamed us and it wasn't something we weren't supposed to be proud of.