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by Scott Farkus
Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:48 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: I now regret that OC passed
Replies: 142
Views: 46770

Re: I now regret that OC passed

Open Carry was an elephant that we had to get out of the room. I'm glad it's out, even if it knocks over a few lamps on the way. Next session we can focus on getting the off-limit places removed.

fwiw, I've only seen a handful of places that weren't 30.06 before post 30.06 along with 30.07. Nearly all the notices I'm getting for Austin are 30.07 only. I'd rather not see those, but you have to think that if a business went to the trouble of posting 30.07 and NOT 30.06, at least it can be assumed to be supportive of concealed carry. That's a good sign, I think.

I wonder if we would have had such a ruckus had the law taken effect immediately upon signature, or September 1. Seems like these extra few months gave the anti's (and the OCT types) too much time to get their ducks in a row.

Ah well, we'll see what happens. I think most of this will blow over in a few months.

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