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by Rex B
Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:48 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Didn't See This One Coming
Replies: 28
Views: 4771

To each her own

kauboy wrote:Yup, wives have the ability to shock and amaze sometimes.
Mine went to a gun show with me and fell in love with a Walther P22. Bought it, took it to the range, and she was doing better with it than me :cry:
Right before we got married, I took my fiance to a gun show - her first.
I found a deal on new Ruger P89s, so I and my LEO friend were doing the paperwork. Fiance wandered off a while, then found us again. She said "What do you think of this?" and showed me a mint Colt Agent she had bought. Still has it. She shoots it fine, but it hurts my hand to shoot it.

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