I found this interesting:
MHMR Of Tarrant County was added in the city of Fort Worth. The type of restriction is: 30.06
Government building obviously. Does MFMR get a pass on this?
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- Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:11 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
- Replies: 1085
- Views: 392263
- Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:14 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
How about an update on the Fort Worth Zoo. Is anyone pursuing this?
If not, I'll head down there today and get started.
If not, I'll head down there today and get started.
- Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:34 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
- Replies: 1085
- Views: 392263
Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
I would think that the (excessive) fees we pay to exercise a basic right would be sufficient for this
- Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:04 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
- Replies: 1085
- Views: 392263
Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
I wish the DPS would take charge of 30.06 signage the way TABC controls the 51% signs.
- Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:31 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
- Replies: 1085
- Views: 392263
Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
Looks like some nitwit needed a feel-good icon for the sheep.
I think this is one case where an improperly posted sign should be called to the attention of the misguided authorities.
If the local LEO think it is enforceable, it could mean a bad day for one of us.
At the very least, I would like to verify that both the Chief and the City Attorney understand the applicable law before a test case comes in their door.
I think this is one case where an improperly posted sign should be called to the attention of the misguided authorities.
If the local LEO think it is enforceable, it could mean a bad day for one of us.
At the very least, I would like to verify that both the Chief and the City Attorney understand the applicable law before a test case comes in their door.
- Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:13 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
- Replies: 1085
- Views: 392263
Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
The only game here is them betting that no one will challenge them on an unenforceable sign. So far they have been winning that bet.JKTex wrote:Don't forget that the gun show is privately owned/promoted and they lease the building for the show. I believe that's what's called a game changer. :)puma guy wrote:Anyway is there something I am missing that allows an exemption to the 30.06 prohibition for gov'mnt to post 30.06 gun shows and has it ever been challenged?
It has been said that their insurance carrier requires that they prohibit loaded guns as a condition for coverage. (Has anyone ever seen a policy issued for a gun show that has that stipulation?)
You in turn, agree to abide by that and give up your protection (and some $) in exchange for admittance to the show.
I bet we'd feel better about that if they didn't try to use the 30.06 signs for that purpose.
Seems to me there ought to be a way to challenge such 30.06 postings short of taking a ride to the police station or confronting some ignorant BiD]D]D]D] person like Puma Guy did.
Class action suit?
- Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:04 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
- Replies: 1085
- Views: 392263
Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
There is no enforcement provision in the law. We talked about this in another thread last week. TABC monitors 51% signage and corrects locations that are improperly posted. there is no corresponding agency nor procedure to correct government entities from improperly posting 30.06 signs on public properties. Here in Tarrant County, the Fort Worth Zoo and the Will Rogers barn complex are posted. In addition, gun shows in the Will Rogers Exhibit Hall are always posted.RHenriksen wrote: So... what process is recommended for having a legally unenforceable sign taken down?
I wrote Alice Tripp of TSRA about this recently, suggesting that enforcement be assigned by the next legislature to DPS or Texas Rangers. I specifically mentioned the Fort Worth Zoo. She replied immediately that my email was timely as they were working on that very thing currently. She asked me to get pics of the offending sign, which I will do Sunday AM.
- Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:47 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
- Replies: 1085
- Views: 392263
Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
From the looks of his picture, I suspect his kids have grown kids of their own.
Which puts them in my age bracket, now that I think on it
Which puts them in my age bracket, now that I think on it

- Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:23 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
- Replies: 1085
- Views: 392263
Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
In addition:
> Jim, with your permission, I'd like to post your response on the TXCHL online forum.
Feel free to post my response. I will work on a statement get back with you in a day or two.
- Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:46 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
- Replies: 1085
- Views: 392263
Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
I got a quick response:
I believe in the Second Amendment. I have CHL and generally have a weapon on me or near by at all time. I promise to continually work to allow CHL holders to carry their weapons where ever they want to - including county facilities. We are not the problem - the bad guys are and they don't ask for permission to wound or kill anyone they want!
FYI - my wife and youngest daughter also hold a CHL and my oldest daughter has begun to express an interest in getting one as well.
Hope that I have answered your question.
Jim Truitt
817-832-3473 Cell
817-431-6552 Fax
- Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:43 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
- Replies: 1085
- Views: 392263
Tarrant County Records Building
Today I got a "Vote for Me" email from Jim Truitt, who is in a runoff for Tarrant County Clerk.
I sent him this email:
I sent him this email:
I'll let you know f I get a replyJim,
I haven't though much about this race. I typically vote Republican or Libertarian. But I always vote.
There is however, an issue important to me that the County Clerk may be able to address.
At the entrance to the Tarrant County Records Building is a sign pictured below.
As a CHL holder, I know that any such sign can be ignored by a CHL holder.
And that sign is much better than the sign that was up previously.
The last time I was in that building, I asked the deputy at the entrance desk for clarification, and was told "No guns, CHL holder or not. Nobody but law enforcement".
This is clearly contrary to state law. CHL holders pass the same background checks that law enforcement people do. As a (large) group, we are the most law-abiding citizens in the state.
What I would like from you is a clear commitment to clarify that CHL holders are welcome to carry in the Tarrant County Records Building.
If you will do that, I will vote for you, and encourage other Tarrant Co. CHL people to do likewise.
- Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:25 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
- Replies: 1085
- Views: 392263
Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
Going back to the beginning:
The obnoxious post that says "this includes CHL holders" was posted during the term of a previous Tarrant county Sheriff.
Since then, Dee Anderson (Dem) has become sheriff, and the sign has changed.
I presume Sheriff Anderson is responsible for the sign change.
I intend to contact the sheriff and ask about it. Perhaps i'll write a letter and see if he will confirm (in writing) that CHLs are good to carry therein.
If he does, I might even vote for a Democrat next election.
I understand the "Don't ask, don't tell" concept, but walking into a government building is a bit different from going into a badly posted Taco Bueno.
The obnoxious post that says "this includes CHL holders" was posted during the term of a previous Tarrant county Sheriff.
Since then, Dee Anderson (Dem) has become sheriff, and the sign has changed.
I presume Sheriff Anderson is responsible for the sign change.
I intend to contact the sheriff and ask about it. Perhaps i'll write a letter and see if he will confirm (in writing) that CHLs are good to carry therein.
If he does, I might even vote for a Democrat next election.
I understand the "Don't ask, don't tell" concept, but walking into a government building is a bit different from going into a badly posted Taco Bueno.
- Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:39 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
- Replies: 1085
- Views: 392263
Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
Yes, I know this is noncompliant. So was the old one.
The old sign was the obnoxious one. I sent a photo of that much earlier in this thread.
Here it is again:

The old sign was the obnoxious one. I sent a photo of that much earlier in this thread.
Here it is again:

- Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:51 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
- Replies: 1085
- Views: 392263
Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
I know, but I did. I rarely go there.TxFig wrote:I wouldn't - since it says "unlicensed", they are obviously not referring to folks WITH a license (ie. you).Rex B wrote:I was back there last week to get a car title changed. I noticed that obnoxious sign was gone, replaced by a generic "unlicensed persons" sign.Rex B wrote:Good advice, and an angle I had not heard of.
I may want to tackle this for the Tarrant County Records Building, which has an obnoxious and strongly worded non-30.06 sign.
Here's the new sign:
Next trip I'm going to ask the desk deputy about CHL carry.
Of course the deputy on duty had his mind elsewhere and acted like I was invisible while he watched someone at the other end of the building.
I mentioned the sign change and asked if the building was now "CHL friendly".
He said "They just added knives and stuff to the sign. You have to be law enforcement to carry here"
I said "Why is that?"
"It's just like any other federal building, no firearms".
I said "But this is not a federal building, it's a county office building".
He said "they're all federal, doesn't matter" walking away.
Total idiot. I could see why he had that duty.
- Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:48 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
- Replies: 1085
- Views: 392263
Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
I was back there last week to get a car title changed. I noticed that obnoxious sign was gone, replaced by a generic "unlicensed persons" sign.Rex B wrote:Good advice, and an angle I had not heard of.
I may want to tackle this for the Tarrant County Records Building, which has an obnoxious and strongly worded non-30.06 sign.
Next trip I'm going to ask the desk deputy about CHL carry.