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by steveincowtown
Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:13 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Funniest LEO contact I ever had just minutes ago
Replies: 31
Views: 5886

Re: Funniest LEO contact I ever had just minutes ago

gigag04 wrote:In before the obligatory "I wouldn't have told the cops anything without a warrant" comments


Although the comment above is pure awesomeness...

Never mind talking to them, I wouldn't have even opened the door. A cop, someone from the power company, someone from the gas company, a Rabbi, a solicitor, a street missionary, or any one I don't know falls into the same category; a stranger that I have zero obligation to open the door for. I'll stick with my standard "Can I help you?, I would open the door but I can't trust my dog." If after this conversation there was some real need to be addressed (i.e. the cop says he thinks there may be a prowler in my backyard) I would have to make a decision at that point on how to move forward. ... 7871.shtml" onclick=";return false;
COLUMBUS -- A second suspect is behind bars in connection with a home invasion involving bogus police officers.

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