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by steveincowtown
Tue Jun 24, 2014 7:10 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: Critical legislation for 2015
Replies: 206
Views: 40964

Re: Critical legislation for 2015

My desired vote was not available. Repealing or reducing the penalty for 30.06 is the most important issue to me.

#1> MDA will eventually train those who want to keep us out (CHLers) in the correct way to do so.

#2> Open Carry activists may eventually do the same, although not intionally (I hope).

#3> I firmly believe private property owners have the right to keep whomever they want out, but I veitmenly disagree with the way it is done in Texas.

I don't think we can get to "signs have no force of law" this session, but I do think we need to take steps in that directions.

For those that say the blood will run when property owners have to "ask" CHLers or (maybe eventually) licensed are ignoring the rather pristine record of licsense holders.

If we can't repeal or reduce 30.06 I see know reason why the Left should not be able to pass legislation making different signs to prevent knifes, canes, etc. Why in Texas do we have a sign that crimanlizes one "tool" in a private business and not any other "tools."

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