Very thoughtful reply Annoyed Man. I agree with you 100%.
I never said she teased me in public. The teasing doesn't come often and it's always a private poke in the ribs,... with a smile. We've been together now for 4 years come this New Years Eve. I don't see an end in sight nor do I see the beginning of a marriage (we've both been there and done that). She is definitely more pushy on me with her ideals than I am with mine on her. But ever since I survived my first marriage, my attitude is pretty much "This is who I am. Take it or leave it." So far, the pros out weigh the cons for both of us. That may not always be the case, but I'll love her for as long as it is.
BTW: I think I'm actually winning (by a very small amount). The teasing is subsiding and on at least one occasion she seemed to be thankful that I WAS carrying. :-)
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- Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:05 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Whole Foods Gun Policy
- Replies: 108
- Views: 24550
- Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:48 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Whole Foods Gun Policy
- Replies: 108
- Views: 24550
Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy
Sorry. It's been a while since I checked on this thread.
The last few posts look like kind of counter-thoughts to the "demonizing of women who don't have the exact same thoughts as you". As the OP, it seemed to me that my girlfriend was not suggesting that we not shop at Whole Foods because of the sign. It felt more like she wanted me to see the situation the same as she did and we should continue to shop at Whole Foods and I should leave my gun in the car, or better yet, at home. This, to me, felt like someone else trying to push their beliefs on me. I love the woman, I really do. But I do not concede to her beliefs or her every wish and whim. Nor do I dump her when she doesn't concede to mine. There were a few of you who said I should dump her and get myself a "good woman". I would say a good woman is one who knows and sticks to her beliefs regardless of what her man believes, says, or does. If she feels so strongly about me not carrying in Whole Foods that she wants to dump ME over it, then so be it.
All that said... I'd like to present a different counter-thought to the "demonizing of women who don't have the exact same thoughts as you". I'm pretty sure that every human being thinks that every other human being should believe the way they do. It is not gender specific. Statements like "if they post their business they will not get any of my money" and "She would not be my girlfriend for very long" are boycott statements meant to enlighten or encourage someone else in the direction of true wisdom... "MY wisdom".
You can hold on to your own ideals or you can take up someone else's. There's a cost on either side of that coin. Each of us has to choose which price we are willing to pay.
The last few posts look like kind of counter-thoughts to the "demonizing of women who don't have the exact same thoughts as you". As the OP, it seemed to me that my girlfriend was not suggesting that we not shop at Whole Foods because of the sign. It felt more like she wanted me to see the situation the same as she did and we should continue to shop at Whole Foods and I should leave my gun in the car, or better yet, at home. This, to me, felt like someone else trying to push their beliefs on me. I love the woman, I really do. But I do not concede to her beliefs or her every wish and whim. Nor do I dump her when she doesn't concede to mine. There were a few of you who said I should dump her and get myself a "good woman". I would say a good woman is one who knows and sticks to her beliefs regardless of what her man believes, says, or does. If she feels so strongly about me not carrying in Whole Foods that she wants to dump ME over it, then so be it.
All that said... I'd like to present a different counter-thought to the "demonizing of women who don't have the exact same thoughts as you". I'm pretty sure that every human being thinks that every other human being should believe the way they do. It is not gender specific. Statements like "if they post their business they will not get any of my money" and "She would not be my girlfriend for very long" are boycott statements meant to enlighten or encourage someone else in the direction of true wisdom... "MY wisdom".
You can hold on to your own ideals or you can take up someone else's. There's a cost on either side of that coin. Each of us has to choose which price we are willing to pay.
- Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:44 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Whole Foods Gun Policy
- Replies: 108
- Views: 24550
Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy
Thanks for all the great feedback on this subject.
Just to let the GF bashers know, the relationship is quite wonderful and well worth a little teasing about some of the things I do. She's quite a wonderful woman and we're able to get along quite well in spite of a few differences in opinion.
I just recently took the CHL class so I was pretty sure the 30.06 sign was required to keep a CHLer from carrying in the store. Her argument is, if someone posts their wishes (compliant or not), they should be respected. My response is, if the law had not made provisions for making it illegal for CHLers to carry in someone's store, then it might be different. But since there is a provision, and Whole Foods is not using that provision, that indicates to me that they do not intend to prohibit CHLers from carrying in their store.
We have pretty much agreed to disagree on this one. We're still gonna go to Whole Foods and I'm still going to carry while shopping there.
Such is life when one chooses not to live it alone.
Ted S.
Just to let the GF bashers know, the relationship is quite wonderful and well worth a little teasing about some of the things I do. She's quite a wonderful woman and we're able to get along quite well in spite of a few differences in opinion.
I just recently took the CHL class so I was pretty sure the 30.06 sign was required to keep a CHLer from carrying in the store. Her argument is, if someone posts their wishes (compliant or not), they should be respected. My response is, if the law had not made provisions for making it illegal for CHLers to carry in someone's store, then it might be different. But since there is a provision, and Whole Foods is not using that provision, that indicates to me that they do not intend to prohibit CHLers from carrying in their store.
We have pretty much agreed to disagree on this one. We're still gonna go to Whole Foods and I'm still going to carry while shopping there.
Such is life when one chooses not to live it alone.

Ted S.
- Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:22 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Whole Foods Gun Policy
- Replies: 108
- Views: 24550
Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy
She thinks it's unnecessary. She keeps saying she has lived in some pretty scary places abroad just fine without a gun and the US is way safer than those places. I agree that the US is a pretty safe place, but then I say, "Complacency is a very bad idea." and, "I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it." So, she makes fun of me and I carry.The Annoyed Man wrote:Is she uncomfortable with the idea of your carrying a gun?

Ted S
- Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:42 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Whole Foods Gun Policy
- Replies: 108
- Views: 24550
Whole Foods Gun Policy
I went to Whole Foods today. My girlfriend knows I carry and she was quick to point out the words "No Firearms" on the door as we entered. I told her it wasn't the correct format or verbiage so it did not apply to LICENSED carriers. Of course it didn't stop there. She kept pushing, saying I should respect the wishes of the store. I told her that the law provided a means for store owners who do not want CHL carriers to bring their guns in their stores. Am I correct in this? If the sign is not in the right form or it doesn't have the right lettering, it doesn't apply to CHL carriers. Or, did I brake the law today?
Ted S
Ted S