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by Bob in Big D
Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:31 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Stopped by Irving LEO
Replies: 36
Views: 7276

Re: Stopped by Irving LEO

RPBrown wrote:
speedsix wrote:
Keith B wrote:
barstoolguru wrote:Irving likes 635 because its open and the roadway has big shoulders for cops safety
As far as your speed; speedometers are not always accurate at high speeds and can fluctuate a couple of mph. this is why they don't write tickets under 10 mph over the speed limit
I have seen tickets frequently written during saturation days for between 5 & 10 over
...they've had news stories within the last two years of writing for 2-3 miles some jurisdictions...can't count on the grace anymore...
Wife got stopped in Grand Prairie a couple of weeks ago for 53 in a 50 on Belt Line.

As for the Op's situation, I know a few Irving motor cops. They have told me several times that more times than not they will give warnings if its not over 10. They also know walking up to the car if it will be a warning or citation. However, the persons attitude can easily change that.
My demeanor is always respectful with "yes sir and no sir". I had my DL & CHL out in my left hand with the window down. He introduced himself, saw my CHL, asked where the gun was took down my info, then said be right back. Came back with the ticket like he was in a big get to the next ticket. Granted I was speeding but the whole point is I was not going 76. When i questioned the speed he raised his voice and I looked him in the eye and knew if I continued to question him it would get ugly. This was really a slam bam thank you sir stop. Anyway I will pay and take DDC.....assuming they let me at 16 over.
by Bob in Big D
Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:36 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Stopped by Irving LEO
Replies: 36
Views: 7276

Re: Stopped by Irving LEO

Let me clarify a couple of things. First I drive for a living (Salesman) and am all over No. TX down to Austin and twice a year to Houston, up into OK & AR, about 35,000 per year, no wrecks. Been in Texas since 1984 with 3 tickets in that time this being the third. I drive defensively and am always alert for the other driver to do something dumb. I will reluctantly pay the fine and do DD.
It was LIdar btw. I did not know I could ask to see the display or I would have asked. I have a heads up display in my vehicle so I am almost always aware of my speed.
by Bob in Big D
Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:57 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Stopped by Irving LEO
Replies: 36
Views: 7276

Re: Stopped by Irving LEO

SC1903A3 wrote:I understand your frustration with receiving a speeding tick but, I doubt that IPD would inflate your speed to get a few extra bucks. Chief Boyd would come down hard on any officer being less that professional.
As soon as I saw the Leo and realized I was going 72 I knew he prob had me so only frustrated at myself. I am more frustrated at him inputting (cause they dont write them anymore) the speed at 76. I would have hopped to at least get the ticket for 72, plus the way they write the fines is certainly suggestive of inflation. If you do the numbers on the amount of tickets they can do in a day times $40-60 each times say 5 days aweek, it can add up to a tidy sum. They certainly didn't give this CHL holder any breaks! Btw I have checked my speedo many times against those stationary radar signs an it is always 1-2 mph slower than shown.
by Bob in Big D
Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:20 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Stopped by Irving LEO
Replies: 36
Views: 7276

Stopped by Irving LEO

Driving my Brother and Sister-in-Law out to DFW today and was in the Left Lane coming around a semi I noticed an officer on the side of the road out of his car with his laser. I quickly looked at my heads up display and knew I was probably toast at 72 mph in a 60. We had just come off GB Fwy at 70+ and onto 635 at 60. I was talking to the passengers and forgot about the speed change. Anyway I see him jump in his car as I am slowing down. I pulled over to the slow lane and pull off to the side after he lights me up. Pulled out my DL and CHL and with both hands on the wheel and with window down he comes up to the car sees my CHL and asks if I have a gun on me. I said no it is in the glove box. He says ok, and hands back my CHL, asks me for cell number and work number and where I work. No problem giving him all that. Then he says be right back..... He comes back with a ticket for 76 in a 60 which I questioned that before I slowed down I am positive I was only going 72 and maybe less. He says he was tracking me for 400 ft and to please sign here!! I did, and even though he was professional I think he would have gotten ugly if I had questioned him much more about the ticket.
As I continued on to DFW I noticed another Iving LEO with someone else pulled over closer to the airport. On the way back from DFW both LEO's had others pulled over. After pulling up the Irving website I noticed the ticket is $181 for the first 10 miles per hour over the speed limit and $10 for each additional mile over the first 10 miles. So in my opinion, they can inflate the tickets by 4-8mph and in my case get an extra $40 out of me. and probably most of the other people they pulled over today. I wont fight it for $40 but in my opinion it really is not cool. They were obviously doing a revenue day on 635 today.

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