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by RAM4171
Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:34 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
Replies: 54
Views: 17264

Re: Crossbreed Holster Question

Well guess what was waiting in the mailbox for me when I got home this evening? :clapping: Man that is some heavy leather. I did adjust the font clip by one hole for a little more forward cant, and I did cut the leather around the mag release. I emptied the chamber and did some drawing and holster and about half the time the mag would eject on reholstering. Luckily I'm a bonsaier and carving tiny trees isn't much different than carving leather so the cut looks fairly professional. It is quite different than OWB, though I only wore it for about 45 min. I do plan on posting a review in a new thread in the equipment forum once I've worn it for a week or so.
by RAM4171
Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:23 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
Replies: 54
Views: 17264

Re: Crossbreed Holster Question

Em1923, what length is the barrel ? Mine is 4"
by RAM4171
Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:16 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
Replies: 54
Views: 17264

Re: Crossbreed Holster Question

Thanks for the pics em1923. Can't wait for mine to get here. I think I'll start a new thread when I do and let Curtis know
by RAM4171
Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:55 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
Replies: 54
Views: 17264

Re: Crossbreed Holster Question

rmr1923, how much leather extends past the end of the barrel?
by RAM4171
Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:27 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
Replies: 54
Views: 17264

Re: Crossbreed Holster Question

rmr1923 wrote:
RAM4171 wrote:
nyj wrote:Hey, just a heads up -- I was about to order the CBST then found this guy over on GlockTalk:" onclick=";return false;

39 pages of satisfied customers. 50 bucks shipped, lifetime warranty, accepts returns. He said his current turn around is 2-3 days. I ordered mine yesterday.
Thanks' for that nyj, I ordred one for my M&P. I've been on the fence about the CBST, but the wait and the $ for the options that I wanted was keeping me from trying it out. I will definitley post once I get it.
excellent choice, i ordered a holster from this guy for my M&P and it's awesome. not only was it considerably cheaper than a CBST, but i got it in my mailbox exactly a week from the date i placed my order. i've found that "sweet spot" to be at about the 4:00 position with quite a bit of forward cant (as much as the pre-cut holes will allow) and with even a light t-shirt the gun literally disappears.

i'd recommend the combat cut for your M&P, but even with the combat cut i still had to make a small cut around my mag release. i found that when i strapped my belt on, the holster pressed on the mag release just enough to eject it when i'd sit down or move around a bit. other than that, it's a perfect fit.
I did order the the combat cut. I wear a high ride OWB now so I appreciate being able to get a full grip. I've the .45 compact, which M&P did you go with?
by RAM4171
Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:38 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
Replies: 54
Views: 17264

Re: Crossbreed Holster Question

nyj wrote:Hey, just a heads up -- I was about to order the CBST then found this guy over on GlockTalk:" onclick=";return false;

39 pages of satisfied customers. 50 bucks shipped, lifetime warranty, accepts returns. He said his current turn around is 2-3 days. I ordered mine yesterday.
Thanks' for that nyj, I ordred one for my M&P. I've been on the fence about the CBST, but the wait and the $ for the options that I wanted was keeping me from trying it out. I will definitley post once I get it.

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