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by jackal858
Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:31 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Ft Worth PD
Replies: 12
Views: 2272

Re: Ft Worth PD

TexasGal wrote:I was married for a long time to a guy who dealt with insurance liability cases. He has had cases at one time or another with just about every heavy casualty lawyer in the business in Texas. He once said the "Texas Hammer" wasn't known for actually taking cases to trial. He just settled them left and right for the same amounts the claimant would have gotten from the insurance company to begin with. The only diff was the "Texas Hammer" got to keep 40-50% of the poor sap's settlement. Always ask your potential lawyer just how many cases he/she takes to trial and how many he/she wins.
Sadly, this is almost always the case. Lawyers make a lot more for their effort ($/time) from settlement than trial almost every time. Sometimes it is better for the client also, but I fear most of the time it's only a better deal for the lawyer.. :roll:
by jackal858
Wed Aug 25, 2010 11:33 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Ft Worth PD
Replies: 12
Views: 2272

Re: Ft Worth PD

Fangs wrote:On a related note, I went up to Arlington for my buddy's birthday and spent 2 nights on Sundance Square in Ft. Worth (at least that what the locals called it, kinda like a clean 6th street). Every officer I saw was doing their job well, and I even talked to a few randomly or while looking for directions to specific bars. So yeah, there are some bad apples, but my general opinion of the Ft. Worth officers I encountered and observed was very positive.
This is true of any PD. I don't think anyone here believes that the Fort Worth PD has a problem with hot headed officers. This is certainly an issolated incident. I also have always had good interaction with the officers in Fort Worth, particularly downtown.
by jackal858
Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:42 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Ft Worth PD
Replies: 12
Views: 2272

Re: Ft Worth PD

Russell wrote:Obviously this guy didn't get the "Texas Hammer" as his lawyer if he settled for $120,000.

I would have went for the entire department. Renamed all the police stations after me ;-)
Sadly, I can hear the commercial for the "Texas Hammer" running in my head now..

He must have had a bad lawyer to settle for $120,000...

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