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by Jumping Frog
Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:19 am
Forum: Site Announcements, Questions & Suggestions
Topic: Travel to Canada w/ handgun
Replies: 46
Views: 26731

Re: Travel to Canada w/ handgun

Griz44 wrote:For storage, service or repair -
According to the rules, unless it is a pawn and return from pawn, no NICS is required. It is classified as a transfer, but does not require a NICS to return it to the owner. No NICS is required unless someone other than the person who dropped it off is picking it up. I have one hunter that drops off his hunting stuff for me to ship to Montana (from Texas) so he can take the plane to go hunt. He could check them, but he takes more stuff than the airline wants him to take, and charges him more than I do to ship and do the logs. He has them shipped back to me and then comes to pick them up when he gets back home. He also has me go through them and have everything nice and clean and ready for the safe by the time he returns.
They do have to go in the log for inventory and inspection purposes.
This information came directly from the BATFE because I called my local contact person and asked what the proper procedure should be.
The part people have not thought through is you can give a handgun to an FFL in a different state but you cannot get it back!

As you note, giving the handgun to an FFL is a transfer. When you want to go to the ID or WA or whatever state FFL to get your handgun back, they cannot transfer a handgun to an out-of-state resident. The best they can for you is ship the handgun back to your Texas FFL.

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