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by Dave2
Fri Dec 25, 2015 5:30 pm
Forum: Technical Tips, Questions & Discussions (Computers & Internet)
Topic: Are there any Linux users on this board?
Replies: 87
Views: 47103

Re: Are there any Linux users on this board?

n5wd wrote:
Dave2 wrote:I bought a Raspberry Pi 2 a couple weeks ago. Does that count?
Only if you're playing with Raspbian! Although I do have Ubuntu running on one of my Pi2's now and then. Primarily,my Pi2's serve as hosts for IPVoice applications using amateur radio: Maggie has a DVMega transceiver (a dual band 2 meters or 70 cm radio on it) running D-Star, and Dora is mated to an IRLP (Internet Radio Linking Project) simplex node that's about to go on the air (IRLP Node 3997 in case anyone was wondering!).

73 Wayne N5WD
Not yet. I'm planning on making a graphing calculator out of it. Raspian comes with Mathematica 10 :mrgreen:
You can get a touchscreen that has Raspian drivers for < $40... I just need to find/make a keypad and figure out the case & batteries.
by Dave2
Thu Dec 24, 2015 8:18 pm
Forum: Technical Tips, Questions & Discussions (Computers & Internet)
Topic: Are there any Linux users on this board?
Replies: 87
Views: 47103

Re: Are there any Linux users on this board?

I bought a Raspberry Pi 2 a couple weeks ago. Does that count?
by Dave2
Thu Dec 18, 2014 1:46 am
Forum: Technical Tips, Questions & Discussions (Computers & Internet)
Topic: Are there any Linux users on this board?
Replies: 87
Views: 47103

Re: Are there any Linux users on this board?

LDB415 wrote:I'd like to try it out but I don't have an extra computer to run it on and wouldn't know which version to try out.
I think that these days, Ubuntu is "the one" for people who are just getting started with linux/unix. I think...

Can't help with the "no spare machine" issue, though.
by Dave2
Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:31 pm
Forum: Technical Tips, Questions & Discussions (Computers & Internet)
Topic: Are there any Linux users on this board?
Replies: 87
Views: 47103

Re: Are there any Linux users on this board?

bmwrdr wrote:Everybody with an Android based smart phone is a Linux user.
Strictly speaking, yeah, but Google's changed it so much that I'm not sure it still qualifies.
by Dave2
Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:49 am
Forum: Technical Tips, Questions & Discussions (Computers & Internet)
Topic: Are there any Linux users on this board?
Replies: 87
Views: 47103

Re: Are there any Linux users on this board?

Not since college, no (I used it to turn an old PC into an over-engineered NAS device because my desktop computer was out of drive bays). But I do run Mac OS X which is a certified Unix on all* my computers, is that close enough?

*I've got an old PowerComputing clone that might still be running Mac OS 9.x (if it even still powers on).

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